Workshop on Capital vs. Labor: Perspectives on Inequality and Taxation in the 21st Century

The Workshop will take place from 7-8 June 2024, Room 09-110 & 09-112, University of St. Gallen

Aims of the Workshop:

This workshop aims to bring together cutting-edge research from economics that investigates the capital-labor nexus by analyzing the effectiveness and ramifications of redistributive mechanisms, as well as to shed new light on the structure and evolution of income and wealth distributions. The themes below are indicative:

  • Income and wealth inequality (empirics, mechanisms, and normative aspects)
  • Optimal redistribution (e.g., capital versus wealth taxation)
  • The role of technological change and AI on capital and labor
  • Return heterogeneity
  • The functional income distribution.


Registration Form for participation at the Capital vs. Labor Workshop at 7-8 June 2024.

For organizational reasons, registration for the participation at our Capital vs. Labor workshop is required. The deadline for registration of participation has expired.

Organizational details:

The workshop is financed by the ERC Starting Grant “VALURED” (804104), led by the principal investigator Paolo Piacquadio. Participation is free; accommodation and social dinner are covered for the presenters of accepted papers.

Administrative Matters for Speakers:

Submission details:

We invite submissions by April 15th, 2024. Each author may submit only one paper (or abstract) for consideration to The submission must be original and unpublished. Acceptance will be communicated by April 20. Presenters will be invited to submit their manuscript/abstract for consideration for a special issue on inequality and taxation of the European Economic Review (EER).
See here the pdf-link for the full call.

Scientific Committee and the Special Issue editors of EER:

Jakob Madsen (University of Western Australia)
Roberto Iacono (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
Paolo Piacquadio (University of St. Gallen)
Daniel Waldenström (IFN, Research Institute of Industrial Economics).


Updates and news about the workshop will be available online at University of St.Gallen | FGN-HSG | Capital vs. Labor (
For any questions, write to
