Maria Bolboaca (University of St. Gallen)
Renzo Castellares (Central Resere Bank of Peru)
Nelson R. Ramìrez-Rondàn (Center for Latin American Monetary Studies)
Jose Carlos Saavedra (APOYO Consultorìa)
Conference e-mail address:
Martìn Gonzalez-Eiras (University of Bologna)
On March 18th, 2024, the Institute of Economics of the University of St. Gallen and APOYO Consultorìa organized the second edition of the Workshop on Applied Macroeconomics and Monetary Policy, which was held in the Square building of the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland.
This workshop seeks to bring together applied macroeconomic researchers to promote and exchange ideas in the field of empirical macroeconomics and monetary economics. Researchers are invited to submit empirical papers that are consistent with the workshop's topic. The workshop is open to both young and experienced academic researchers and professionals from business, government and non-governmental institutions.
The extended deadline for the submission of papers was February 23, 2024. See here the pdf-link for the full call. Authors were notified by February 25, 2024.
The workshop will be offered in-person, but there will be limited places for virtual attendance via Zoom.
There is no registration fee. Coffee breaks, lunch, and closing Apéro are covered by the organizers. Participants are invited to make their own arrangements regarding traveling and accommodation.
Questions regarding the scientific content or any organizational aspect of the workshop should be addressed to: