Sustainability and Public Policy

CEPR and FGN-HSG Workshop, 25-26 January 2024, Hotel Einstein, Berneggsaal


Prof. em. Christian Keuschnigg (University of St. Gallen and CEPR, local organizer)
Prof. Paolo Piacquadio (University of St. Gallen, local organizer)

Keynotes speakers:

Mar Reguant, Northwestern University and CEPR
Rick van der Ploeg, Oxford University and CEPR
Lint Barrage, ETH Zurich

Programm for Download:

Link to the public Panel Discussion:

Host and Aims of the Workshop:

The workshop is scheduled for Thursday/Friday, 25-26 January 2024 and is hosted by the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland.

The workshop aims to bring together researchers with a focus on public economics and environmental economics. We aim at a mix of theoretical and empirical studies that explore the tools of public policy to combat climate change and preserve the environment, and the impact on firm-level and household decisions and on aggregate economic performance.

FN *) Financial support by the University of St. Gallen’s Research Fund and by FGN-HSG is gratefully acknowledged. This workshop is part of the FGN annual research conference series.

Administrative Matters for Speakers:

Scientific Committee:

Stefan Ambec, Toulouse University; Geir Asheim, University of Oslo; Inge van den Bijgaart, University of Utrecht; Valentina Bosetti, Bocconi University and CEPR; Stefano Carattini, Georgia State University; Jesus Crespo Cuaresma, Economics University of Vienna; Corrado Di Maria, University of East-Anglia; Moritz Drupp, University of Hamburg; Sabrina Eisenbarth, University of St.Gallen; Reyer Gerlach, Tilburg University; Ben Groom, University of Exeter; John Hassler, IIES Stockholm and CEPR; Andreas Lange, University of Hamburg; Ola Mahmoud, University of St.Gallen; Antony Millner, University of California-Santa Barbara; Frikk Nesje, University of Copenhagen; Karine Nyborg, University of Oslo; Conny Olovsson, Riks Bank Sweden; Kathline Schubert, University of Paris 1
