Economic Growth and Business Cycle: Integrating the Two Perspectives

University of St. Gallen (FGN-HSG)
October 21 - 22, 2016


Guido Cozzi, University of St. Gallen
Diego Comin, Dartmouth College & CEPR


The conference will take place in St. Gallen, Switzerland, on the 21st and 22nd October 2016, and is organized and supported by the University of St. Gallen. It will end on Saturday afternoon.


The slow recovery experienced by several countries after the global financial crisis and ensuing recessions, stagnations, and deflationary pressures rendered apparent the need to explore the high degree of persistence of business cycle shocks and the mechanisms responsible for medium term fluctuations. This strongly encourages the investigation of a unified approach to the study of both trend and cycle. This conference aims to bring together researchers from growth, business cycle, and all related fields of macroeconomics with an explicit research interest in jointly investigating macroeconomics fluctuations and economic growth. We hope to attract a mix of theoretical and empirical skills to better study the issues that may arise in the joint modelling of fluctuations and and growth.

Keynote Lecturer 

Prof. Diego Comin, Dartmouth College


Travel and accommodation expenses will be covered for all participants according to the CEPR Travel Guidelines, but if you could contribute to the costs of your attendance from a research grant at your disposal, this would free up funds for someone else. Please indicate in your application whether you will be able to cover your own travel costs, or whether you will require funding from CEPR.

